Brand Storytelling

Storytelling has become a widely popular buzz word in marketing and social media campaigns particularly. But real storytelling goes far deeper than a montage of beautiful shots or lovely photos. In this short guide Michael Sokolar covers the important basics of telling a story, specifics for many different content formats, and do’s and don’ts of creative collaboration.

little lights storytelling story development icon


What exactly is a story, how do you craft one and why do stories work so well with audiences? We’ll cover story structure, appealing characters, and unique insights into the craft of storytelling.

little lights studio branded entertainment icon supplementary stories

Story Formats

Each medium will dictate different storytelling techniques and cater to different audiences. We’ll highlight the strengths and specifics of the most popular formats and platforms with compelling insights and examples.

commercials little lights studio modern commercials icon


Crafting story-driven campaigns is never done in a vacuum and a healthy client-creative collaboration is key for successful campaigns. We’ll share a few dos and don’ts for creative development and time well spent.

Free eBook

In this free eBook we cover the important basics of storytelling, specifics of different story formats and do’s and don’ts of creative collaboration.

Free E-Book



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If you’re looking for a film production with strong focus on emotional storytelling, a partner to develop film formats for a specific audience or just want to have a chat – let’s get in touch.

We’ve got great coffee and, as far as we can tell, are pretty nice people too!